Ayurvedic Journal

The Path to Deep and Restful Sleep

The Path to Deep and Restful Sleep

Do you struggle to get a good night’s sleep? Whether it’s difficulty falling asleep or waking frequently throughout the night, sleep disturbances are common and can lead to feelings of frustration, stress, anxiety and even depression. In our Ayurveda NZ...

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Alcohol - To Sip or To Skip?

Alcohol - To Sip or To Skip?

During times of celebration, relaxation, or even stress and boredom, the question of “How much is too much?” often arises when it comes to alcohol consumption. A glass of wine is sometimes cited as beneficial to heart health. The ancient...

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Brahmi Brain Boost – Where Ayurveda Meets the ‘Food of the Gods’

Brahmi Brain Boost – Where Ayurveda Meets the ‘Food of the Gods’

For almost 15 years, we have been treating clients at Ayurveda New Zealand for a wide range of health concerns. One condition that continues to show up repeatedly is the ever-growing presence of anxiety and mental stress. This insight was...

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Get your Spring Glow with new Ayurvedic Facials

Get your Spring Glow with new Ayurvedic Facials

Get your Spring Glow with new Ayurvedic Facials   We recently added facials to our Ayurveda New Zealand treatment menu and are very excited to offer an authentic and rejuvenating experience tailored to your skin type. In Ayurveda, skin types...

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India – the home of Ayurveda, Yoga and Spirituality

India – the home of Ayurveda, Yoga and Spirituality

One week in to my professional development course in India, I am overflowing with gratitude and excitement about all the new skills I am able to learn in the homeland of Ayurveda. Together with my colleague and dear friend Samantha...

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Panchakarma for Autoimmune Conditions

Panchakarma for Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune conditions are a complex category of diseases where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues and loses the ability to differentiate between self and non-self, resulting in chronic inflammation and tissue damage.  Disorders like Urticaria, Angioedema, Rheumatoid...

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Winter Wellness: Fortifying Immunity with Nasya

Winter Wellness: Fortifying Immunity with Nasya

Winter Wellness: Fortifying Immunity with Nasya As the Winter season approaches, the drop in temperature brings with it an increased susceptibility to colds, flu, and other respiratory infections and it becomes crucial to prioritise immune support and holistic wellness to...

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Ponsonby News: Harmonising the Three Doshas: A Journey to Health and Wellbeing 

Ponsonby News: Harmonising the Three Doshas: A Journey to Health and Wellbeing 

In Ayurveda, the ancient holistic healing system originating in India, achieving optimal health and wellbeing involves understanding your unique constitution (prakriti) and addressing imbalances through lifestyle modifications, dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and therapeutic practices tailored to your individual needs. Ayurvedic...

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Ponsonby News: How the Power of Sattva can make you Calmer & Happier

Ponsonby News: How the Power of Sattva can make you Calmer & Happier

One of the most effective ways to manage stress levels and to eliminate ingrained negative mental conditioning is to live a sattvic lifestyle. 

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Ponsonby News: "Let Food Be Thy Medicine...

Ponsonby News: "Let Food Be Thy Medicine...

Let Food Be Thy Medicine…and medicine be thy food.” This quote by Hippocrates around 400 BC has never been more relevant. With an increasing reliance on prescriptive drugs and alarming prevalence of digestive diseases, we must go back to the basics and eat simple seasonal food, that suits our individual needs. 

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Reviews of our Ayurvedic Retreats

Reviews of our Ayurvedic Retreats

We love, love, love the reviews we have been given for our amazing Ayurvedic Retreats on Kawau Island. Thank you so much to everyone who has joined us already, contributed, and shared the experience!

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Ponsonby News Column February 2024: Perfect time for an Ayurvedic Detox

Ponsonby News Column February 2024: Perfect time for an Ayurvedic Detox

After overindulging over the Christmas holidays, now is the time to re-establish a healthy routine. Detoxification is about simplifying life. When we eat simple meals, follow a regular routine, manage our social commitments and cut out unnecessary stressors, we cultivate self-regulation. Reducing the amount of food we eat,...

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Ponsonby News Column December 2023: Ayurveda - The Art of Living Well

Ponsonby News Column December 2023: Ayurveda - The Art of Living Well

Mental health is governed by the neurological system and strongly linked to Vata dosha. To balance Vata, Ayurveda recommends a daily routine, applying oils to the skin and practising pranayama (breathing exercises). Simply by eating and sleeping at consistent times each day, gives the body regular doses of energy, allowing resources to be allocated appropriately and prevents the buildup of unwanted toxins.

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Discover your Dosha - and why it matters!

Discover your Dosha - and why it matters!

Ayurveda acknowledges the unique nature of each person through individual constitutions (Doshas) and applies diet and lifestyle adjustments, body therapies, and herbal remedies to assist in this transformational process. Find out about your Doshas with a consultation, or take our our quick quiz now!

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Panchakarma - Ayurveda’s traditional cleansing therapy

Panchakarma - Ayurveda’s traditional cleansing therapy

Spring and Autumn are the optimal seasons for a deep cleanse and 'detox' of our bodies. This spring, more than ever after a long winter of lockdown, we will benefit from cleansing and purifying body and mind. Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s a traditional purification and detoxification therapy. Help your body flush out toxins with a Panchakarma treatment in Auckland.

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Chyawanprash - Immune Booster, rich in Vit C and Antioxidants

Amalaki Fruit - the Ultimate Immune Booster

Amla fruit has the highest Vitamin C content in nature (20 times more than an orange) and is rich in antioxidants which makes it one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda.  Amla is the main ingredient of the Ayurvedic jam ‘Chyawanprash’, an ancient formula which is rejuvenating, energising, supports digestion and boosts the immune system. 

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How tongue scraping helps to detox

How tongue scraping helps to detox

The ancient science of Ayurvedic medicine recommends tongue scraping as a daily practice. There are many benefits as far as oral health, and overall physical, mental, and spiritual health.

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Cooking in Season - Spring

Cooking in Season - Spring

Spring is the season of new life and growth in nature, suitable to clear the body and mind from ama (toxins) accumulated during the long winter months for a healthy start into the new year. It is the time in...

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Health benefits of Ghee

Health benefits of Ghee

Ghee holds a special place in Indian culture. It is the pure essence of milk given from the sacred cow. Ghee is seen like mother’s milk in Ayurveda, absolutely essential for health and wellbeing. Many Westerners are concerned that the...

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